
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers # 18

God Didn’t Call Someone Else to Preach to Your Church

As we battle the insecurity that so often accompanies church planting, it’s almost impossible not to compare ourselves to other preachers and their successes. Read More

Preach Less

As a church plant begins to mature, the church planter should preach less by sharing the pulpit more. And by sharing the pulpit, I mean with biblically qualified men, not just those who want to or can stand up and talk in front of a crowd. Read More
Check out the related resources below the article.
Say it in a Sentence

You aren't ready to preach until you can state what your sermon was about in one, clear sentence. Read More

7 Questions for Preachers to Ask about Their Preaching Calendar

Preachers, I’m putting you on the spot today as you think about your preaching calendar. As we approach the final quarter of 2018 and look toward 2019, prayerfully answer these questions for yourself as you think about your preaching plan for the months to come.... Read More

3 Ways to Navigate Politics in the Pulpit

Faithful pastors can hardly avoid social and political issues if they expound the full teaching of Scripture. But how can we do so in ways that are constructive and helpful? Read More

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