
Thursday, September 06, 2018

Thursday's Catch: Necessary Characteristics for a Church Revitalizer and More

Five Necessary Characteristics for a Church Revitalizer

What makes a pastor or a church planter great at what they do is not always the same as what allows a church revitalizer to excel. Read More

Why Declining Churches Often Run Off Pastors - Revitalize & Replant #057

Some churches have a habit of running pastors off. Some pastors have a habit of leaving too soon. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe tackle the former issue and discuss why some churches continually run off pastors. Listen Now

The Secret Pain of Pastors

Being a pastor is hard work. It’s not for wimps. This is the reality—the job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges. Read More

Creating a Personal Growth Plan

I’m a huge fan of setting goals. But there’s something more important, more powerful and far more effective than setting goals. Plans. Read More

How the ‘Gig Economy’ Is Changing Christian Ministry

More and more people are getting part-time side gigs for supplemental income. Here’s how that affects the ministry landscape. Read More

10 Things I Did NOT Do—And Now My Congregation Sings Louder

Here are 10 things that I did not do with my congregation over the past year that I think has helped our congregational singing.... Read More

Your Small Church Is Not Too Small for Global Missions

Small churches can fund missionaries, send missionaries, take part in short-term missions, and fan a flame for the nations in their churches. Read More

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