
Saturday, September 29, 2018

We're Exiles, Not Expatriates

The cultural turbulence present in the United States of America in 2018 resembles that of the 1960’s. As the axiom says, “History doesn’t repeat; it rhymes.” We can see in our day it’s the same old song, just a new verse. As pastors, it’s easy for us to look through the corridors of the past and call out the blind spots of church leaders 50 years ago, all the while neglecting the ones staring back at us.

As our church, Reach Fellowship, has been walking verse by verse through the book of James, the opening verses call my attention to the fact Christians in America are indeed exiles in a foreign land. Since our primary citizenship is in the city of God, not the city of man. The challenge that accompanies our citizenship is to engage in the mission of Jesus while living as exiles, not expatriates, who have no investment in land they dwell in. Read More

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