
Monday, October 01, 2018

Does the Bible Teach an Age of Accountability?

Throughout history Christians have wrestled with the question of whether Scripture teaches an age of accountability for salvation.

Some theological traditions argue for a specific age of accountability for infants and children, while others do not. Those who do assert a child isn’t responsible for the transmission of Adam’s sin to the human race until they reach a certain age.

Most Christian traditions teach that children enter the world fallen due to Adam’s sin, but some argue children are not guilty before God until they knowingly disobey God’s commands. If the child dies before reaching that age, he or she receives salvation based on Christ’s finished work. Once the child knowingly sins, however, they become accountable for their actions and have reached the age of accountability. At that point, salvation comes through conscious, active repentance and faith in Christ.

A related question is the status of those who are unable to respond due to the loss of various mental capabilities by no fault of their own.

How ought we to think about these questions? Read More

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