
Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday's Catch: US Evangelicals' Favorite Heresies and More

Our Favorite Heresies of 2018: Experts Weigh In

Scholars explain what is most discouraging and encouraging about Ligonier theology survey that found 3 out of 4 US evangelicals are “Arians.” Read More

7 Other Weekend Metrics Church Leaders Should Study Regularly

Too often, church leaders only pay attention to weekend attendance and revenue patterns at their churches. Sometimes these numbers are referred to as “nickels and noses” or maybe the slightly more vulgar “butts and bucks.” However, there are many other factors to consider if we’re trying to understand what’s really happening inside our churches. Read More

Eat, Pray, Code: Rule of St. Benedict Becomes Tech Developer’s Community Guidelines

SQLite, the most-used database engine of the 21st century, throws back to a code of conduct created by a sixth-century monk. Read More
The version of the Rule of St Benedict listed in the SQLite's code is a communal rule of life that congregations might want to adopt as a part of their church covenant.
Things Christians Just Don’t Get To Do

This one began with a conversation, with a statement within that conversation: “Christians don’t get to hold a grudge!” It’s just not an option, not a vice we can allow ourselves. But it’s not the only thing Christians don’t get to do. There are other kinds of behavior that God rules out, that God describes as being nothing less than sinful rebellion. Sadly, this doesn’t always stop us. Some of these behaviors continue despite God’s insistence that they are unfittinng for his children. Here are a few I’ve encountered lately in life, family, and ministry. Read More

When Christian Leaders Don't Read the Word Regularly and Consistently

Chuck Lawless identifies five things that can happen when we no longer read the Word as regularly as we once did, when the time we spend in the Word grows less and less. Read More

Sing the Psalms [Podcast]

Tim Keller believes that every emotional condition, every life situation, is covered in the psalms in some way. Thus, whatever our condition, the psalms ought to be always on our lips. In preparation for the Sing! 2018 conference in Nashville, Keith Getty sat down to talk with Keller about how to incorporate psalms into corporate worship as well as family worship, counseling, and personal prayer. Listen Now

Why Student Ministry Is Failing in Most Churches

Here’s the big problem: Most churches either don’t value the student ministry enough, or they value the wrong things. And because of this, far too many young people are abandoning the church after they graduate. Although we could debate the statistics, the simple fact is that most student ministries see more students falling away after graduation than remaining in their faith. So here are three major problems that I believe have led to the failing state of student ministry in most churches.... Read More

Closing the Technological Discipleship Gap

Every week, you have congregants hurting their witness from destructive online rage fights while others have only a vague idea of what you mean by “the Twitter.” How do you disciple a congregation with such wide differences in behavior? Read More

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