
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Marks of a Biblical Church Part 2: Biblical Churches in Different Contexts

What We Mean By “Church” Matters

Most of the references to “church” in the New Testament refer to specific groups of people in local settings. There is, for example, a universal Church, but the focus of the New Testament references are to local churches.

Today, that gets a bit murkier.

A few years back I was going to our local theater to see a movie when I was a part of a church that met in that same theater. So I made a joke that we were “going to church” to see a movie. My 13-year old daughter said, “No, the church is the people.”

And, she’s right. But she also called our other campus at the time (which had a building) our “church” when no one is in it.

The challenge is that the word church carries a lot of baggage and does a lot of work—often in ways that are different than what the New Testament teaches. Read More

Related Article:
Marks of a Biblical Church Part 1: What Makes a Church a Church?

Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash

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