
Monday, October 08, 2018

Monday's Catch: Bullying, and Much More

What Does the Bible Teach Us About Bullying

Bullying happens more frequently than you might think. According to the American Medical Association, by the time students finish school, nearly half of students have been bullied at one point or another. It’s a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Read More

7 Early Warning Signs That Your Church Has A “Front Door” Problem

How do you know if you aren’t attracting enough people to your church? If your church has plateaued or is in decline, is the problem that you’re not attracting enough visitors or that you aren’t keeping those who are already attending? What signs will lead you to discover the problem? Read More

16 (Nearly Free) Ways to Increase Community Awareness of Your Church

If the people in your community don’t know that your church exists, they won’t ever join your church. Read More

Resurrecting a Dead Church

How can we proclaim to a neighborhood that the gospel has the power to defeat death and hell—but it couldn’t keep our church from closing? Read More

One of the Most Destructive Statements a Church Member Can Make

If you have served in church leadership for several years, you have likely heard this statement: “You know who pays the bills at the church.” Read More

Leader: Establish Authority before Exhibiting Authority

New leaders often forget to establish their authority before making major changes. Read More

Your Facebook Account Has Not Been Hacked – But Your Credibility Might Have Been

If we can’t be trusted to get verifiable facts right, how can we be trusted about a story that rests on the fact of a dead body rising from the grave? Read More

Credo Magazine: Holiness

The latest issue of Credo Magazine is online. The focus of this issue is holiness. Read Online or Download

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