
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Monday's Catch: All Hallows Eve and More

Don’t Worry, There Are More Demons Than You Think

What Halloween gets right about spirits and why Christians have nothing to be afraid of. Read 

6 Ideas for Thinking about Halloween with Your Kids

What’s a Christian to do, anyway, when October 31 rolls around? Read More
It is okay to "celebrate"Halloween as we would "celebrate" the eve of any Christian feast day. Halloween is not Samain, the old Celtic festival marking the end of the old year and the beginning of the new, even though a number of its customs have migrated to Halloween. It is the eve of Hallowmas, or All Hallows Day, a Christian feast day on which all saints, known and unknown, are honored. It is also a feast day on which all the faithful departed are remembered. "Hallow" is an old English way of saying "saint" and Halloween is derived from All Hallows Even, which became Hallowe'en and then Halloween over the centuries. Halloween and Hallowmas form together the liturgical season of Hallowtide. In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States a number of churches are named All Hallows Church or the Church of All Hallows. All Hallows by the Tower is the oldest church in the city of London and and was founded by the Abbey of Barking in 675 AD, 300 years before the Tower of London. Parents need to teach their children about the real Halloween and why Christians celebrate Halloween and Hallowmas.
Anti-Semitism and Unforgivable Sin

Hate is weak. Mercy is strong. Read More

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Antisemitism

Joe Carter explains what antisemitism is and what Christians can do about it. Read More

Jerks for Jesus

Does the Bible support acting like a jerk online? Read More
Didn't Jesus tell his disciples to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves?

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