
Monday, October 22, 2018

My Church Is Stuck, What Do I Do?

Just a few years ago our church was running a little over 150, today by God’s grace we have grown into a healthy, evangelistic and disciple making church of 700 and growing. We have averaged 20 percent growth for the past four years. We tested and tried the restored church paradigm and philosophy. We were determined to not stay STUCK. Today we get asked a lot of questions about this so let me explain.

The problem is widespread, the Church in America appears to be declining. Depending on which expert you talk with, between 70-90 percent of all churches are in need of some type of revitalization. Why are churches losing attendance? Why are salvations dwindling? Why are baptisms becoming harder to come by? After-all, we have the greatest message in all the world. Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead to forgive us of our sins!

The bottom line, no one’s listening. That’s right, the church has been pushed from the hub of a community and relegated to a silent partner. No one’s listening...

We are now living in a post-church culture. There’s no worldly benefit to attend church, and often aligning oneself with a church can bring negative connotations.

No one’s listening because... Read More

Image: Chris Liverani, Unsplash

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