
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #22

Quit Trying To Become A Great Preacher

Becoming a great preacher is about me. Preaching more effectively is about Jesus. Read More

How to Start a Sermon for Maximum Impact

The opening words of your sermon can fall flat if you don’t have a good plan. It’s good to be intentional about the way you introduce a message. I will walk you through exactly how to start your sermon for maximum impact and engagement. We’ll focus on how to capture and maintain the interest of your listeners in the first 5-6 minutes of your message. Let’s jump in to the most important part – the first 1.5 minutes. Read More

How to Overcome Preaching Nerves

Do you have a fear of preaching? Or maybe you wouldn’t say it’s a fear, but your nerves are on edge. You are not alone. Public speaking is commonly listed as one of the greatest fears that people have. Read More

How Do I Find My Own Voice in Preaching?

Disembodied voices don’t preach. Real people do—people with personalities, stories, fears, and convictions uniquely woven by God into the person who proclaims, “Thus says the Lord.” Read More

Why We Don’t Preach Gospel-Centered Sermons

Lately I’ve had numerous discussions with ministry leaders about why it’s so difficult to find truly gospel-centered preaching. Even among those who otherwise affirm the biblical necessity of prioritizing Christ in our preaching, it is sometimes rare to encounter sermons that do not treat Christ and his grace as an option or afterthought. Why is this so? Why, despite an abundance of helpful resources and exemplary models, do we still have a hard time turning the homiletical corner to preaching Christ? Here are three possible explanations.... Read More

Why I Need to Preach More about Hell

ever struggled with preaching on the reality of eternal judgment. I believed it, and I taught it. Over the years, though, I realize that I’ve given less attention to this topic—perhaps because I’ve learned that scaring people into Christianity seldom brings lasting results. Still, I’ve been burdened lately that my omission is problematic. Here’s why.... Read More

5 Truths About the Wrath of God [Podcast]

“With his whole nature in combination and harmony, God acts out his own completely consistent opposition to evil. He opposes it with every fiber of his being. And this opposition is his wrath.” — Mark Dever Listen Now

Photo by Nycholas Souza on Unsplash

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