
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday's Catch: How to Leverage Christmas and More

11 Strategies to Reach the Unchurched During Christmas

As the general population thinks less about the Christian faith, Christmas provides a unique opportunity to reach people who no longer ordinarily attend church. What’s surprising is that many churches don’t really leverage Christmas to make the impact it could. Read More
Even Japan which has a very small Christian population celebrates Christmas. This prompts me to wonder how Japanese Christians might leverage Christmas to reach Japan's large non-Christian population.
Six Best Practices for Increasing Church Giving in a Church Revitalization [Podcast]

Churches need funding for ministry. Whether you’re in a revitalization or not, these principles can help you when it comes to increasing giving in your church. Listen Now

The Importance of Narrative: Utilizing the Entire Bible to Train Up Well-Rounded Leaders

How does theological education think through relevancy in the 21st century? Read More

We Have No Divided God: A Review of Irresistible by Andy Stanley

A man of uncommon discernment when it comes to spotting broader trends in secular culture, Stanley has identified two major issues for the modern church to address. Here, sadly, is where I find my agreement with Stanley—such as it is—coming to an abrupt halt. If his diagnosis of two definite problems is on target, the solution he offers is untenable and even dangerous. Read More

How Can Missionaries Avoid the Trap of Colonialism?

You might be a missionary – someone called and sent to serve God cross-culturally - but chances are, you don’t like being called a missionary. Read More

Why Evangelicals Voted Trump: Debunking the 81%

Ahead of the midterms, the Billy Graham Center Institute examined the most infamous statistic about faith and the 2016 election. Read More

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