
Saturday, October 27, 2018

What to Do When You Meet a Beggar

C.S. Lewis's stepson Douglas Gresham tells the story of Lewis and a friend walking along the street one day when a beggar approached them asking for money. Lewis's friend kept walking, but Lewis stopped and emptied his wallet, giving the beggar its contents. After rejoining his friend, he was chastised. "You shouldn't have done that, Jack. He'll only spend it all on drink." Lewis joked, "Well, that's what I was going to do."

The situation is a common one and ages old. We are no more faced with beggars today than the disciples were in the first century. In urban settings or rural, the specific approach and contexts may differ, but the neediness and the opportunities do not. What is your response when a stranger asks for money?

You are walking down the street or pulling out of the grocery store parking lot and you are confronted by a haggard figure, perhaps holding a sign, perhaps telling a familiar story about being homeless or hungry or needing to travel to a certain location or having a car out of gas. The stories can be eerily similar. I've heard the "I'm trying to get to _______ but don't have money for gas" story quite a bit. I have offered before to go to the gas station and put gas in their car. Sometimes they agree. Sometimes they don't. I have offered to get food instead of giving them cash for food. Sometimes they agree. Sometimes they don't.

Let's make the options simple for the sake of the gist of the argument. A hand is outstretched before you. Do you put money in it or do you decline? Read More

Photo by Jesse Vermeulen on Unsplash

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