
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Zombie Church: Restoring Life to the Undead

There are zombie churches among us. The undead church. Where undead persons feast. Where genuine life has been lost, and in its place is something . . . scary. Lifeless.

In some churches, the loss of life is obvious; in others it is more subtle. Have you ever walked into a church where everything appeared normal? Everyone was smiling and seemed so happy because, after all, smiling at church is what Christians are supposed to do. Everyone was personable, but no one was really personal. It might even have seemed like everyone’s friendliness kept you at arm’s length. How many people greeted you at church but never really took the time to get to know you? Have you ever gone to a church service where nothing seemed wrong per se but you just felt like something was missing?

Some of us have not only wandered into these churches, but we have sung in their worship, listened to their sermons, and returned week after week. Some of us have become part of these churches. Some of us have lived our whole lives in a zombie church. Read More

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