
Saturday, November 24, 2018

3 Reasons to Resist Temptation

If we’re to help our people endure temptation and overcome sin, then we need to help them understand the nature of sin. There are many places in Scripture where we could go to think through this idea, but in 1 Corinthians 10, the apostle Paul reminds us learning from the past is a very important factor in enduring temptation and overcoming sin.

Just as a child learns not to touch a hot burner after she’s been burned, we should also learn from the past consequences of our own sins. Yet for some of us, past consequences are not enough to keep us from sin.

The battle against sin can be an overwhelming struggle because we underestimate how sin operates. That’s why understanding the nature of sin is so important.

If we’re to endure temptation and overcome sin, we must understand sin is deceptive, divisive, and destructive. Read More

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