
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Attempt Great Things for God?

Very few of us enter the ministry with a desire to be famous. But the heart is deceitful, and it’s easy for our hearts to become proud.

I thought of this recently as I preached from Mark 3:13-19 . Jesus calls twelve disciples; seven of the twelve make their only appearance in Mark’s gospel in this passage. What a bummer. Jesus chooses you out of the crowds to be one of his twelve. You enter the stage and exit just as quickly. No fuss, no great stories, no fame. Fame and applause is not what following Jesus is about.

I wonder: am I content with being called and unknown? Am I willing to serve in obscurity but be known by Jesus? Read More

Also See
2 Dangers In Doing the Lord’s Work
Knowing When to Say ‘No’ to a Leadership Opportunity

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