
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Church Planter, Change Is Hard. And Good.

It’s easy to take for granted the familiar. When the status quo is maintained, we can drift into unawareness of what’s really important to us—what we’re living for, what’s driving our decisions, what we’re placing a premium on. When the status quo is interrupted, though, everything changes.

Moving to a new place makes you realize what you took for granted in your previous community. Losing a loved one confronts us with what really matters in life. Bringing home your first child turns your priorities upside-down (and makes you treasure sleep in a new way).

Simply put, change can show us where we’re placing our value—and where that value is perhaps misplaced. It’s no wonder, then, that God often uses change to both reveal and also refine our value systems. We all know our priorities are not always in line with God’s. Change can be a good, albeit difficult, way of aligning them.

And few things require the hard work of change like the crucible of church planting. Read More

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