
Monday, November 19, 2018

How to Be Missional in the Marketplace This Holiday Season

Five years ago around this time of year, I was on my phone scrolling through social media when a few posts written by Christian friends grabbed my attention. They read:
  • “So tired of this corporate greed. The holidays are about faith and family. #StayHomeDontShop”
  • “Take back Thanksgiving for Christ. #BoycottBlackFriday”
  • “Camping out at home to avoid the wackos trampling each other over half-priced TVs.”
As I read these posts and watched online petitions get circulated by other Christians pledging not to shop on and around Thanksgiving, I felt vilified in my role at the time as a manager over six retail stores.

This time of year often brings out a propensity for Christians to confuse the mission of saving people created in the image of God with the call to save holiday values that are propagated more by Hallmark than Scripture. Read More

Photo by Artem Bali on Pexels

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