
Friday, November 16, 2018

How to Share the Gospel with Canadian Muslims

We met Mary (pseudonym) in an ESL class where we volunteer. She and her husband, Adam (pseudonym), moved from a country in the Middle East to Canada about two years ago in order to find ‘a better life’. Mary was eager to improve her English but also desiring to search for answers about God, Jesus and spiritual issues. She could not do that in her birth country because of governmental restrictions and she did not know any followers of Jesus there. During the many discussions she had with many believers here in Canada, God was busy drawing her and eventually Adam to Himself. They both came to saving faith and were baptised recently.

As the church of Jesus Christ in Canada, we have a unique opportunity to befriend Muslims in our own country, most of whom have never heard the Gospel or met a true follower of Christ before. Many of us pass up the opportunity to take part in this great Kingdom Call (Matt 28:19) because of fear, lack of knowledge, indifference or apathy.

But the vision of every tribe and people group represented before God’s throne (Rev 5:9) should inspire us to intentionally seek to engage with our Muslim neighbours and colleagues. We spent 12 years ministering to Muslims overseas and in that time we learned a number of important lessons about our Muslim neighbours. If you desire to share the gospel with Muslims in Canada, but don’t know where to begin, here are five things to keep in mind. Read More

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