
Monday, November 05, 2018

Monday's Catch: "Be the Church..." and More

Be The Church Or Make Way For Something Else

Christ is not found in our institutions, he is found in the church. In people who love Jesus, love each other and gather together regularly. Read More

10 Things You Should Know About the Ten Commandments

This is an adapted excerpt from The 10 Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them, that the Gospel Coalition published in partnership with Crossway. Read More

5 Signs of a Dangerous Pastor

Trustworthy leadership is hard to find. Inside and outside Christianity, men and women with fancy letters behind their names are doing nasty things to innocent people – and children. It’s becoming more and more apparent that academic degrees (while important) and achievements (while admirable) are not the measure of success for a leader. Integrity is. Read More

4 Challenges of Pastoring in Any Language

A couple of weeks ago, a team from my church in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, traveled to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, where we partnered with retired International Mission Board missionaries. These missionaries run a medical clinic and children’s home and oversee pastors and church plants in the country....As I taught from 2 Timothy on this trip and listened to the challenges of Guatemalan Christians, I was struck by the universal challenges presented to pastoral leadership and the gospel. Paul addressed many of these challenges in his letters to Timothy. Here are four of them. Read More

Six Reasons the Role of Interim Pastor Is Changing Dramatically

In the recent past, the role of the interim pastor was simple and straightforward: Find someone who can preach for six to nine months until the new pastor comes on board. Today, the role of interim pastor is changing, becoming more complex, and carrying higher expectations. Why is this dramatic change taking place? Here are six major reasons.... Read More The Bible: 

Reading the “Ordinary” Way

Greg Koukl addresses the thorny issue of how we should take the Bible. Read More

Lord, Help Me See Their Destiny: Four Prayers for Personal Evangelism

Saving sinners is God’s delight, and it should be ours as well. But too often, we are fearful, shortsighted, and unmoved by the fact that billions of people are on their way to an eternal hell. We need God’s intervention to stir zeal in our hearts for evangelism. What follows are four simple prayers that ask God to help us join him in saving the lost. Read More

Christ United Withdrawing From UMC Over Homosexuality Debate

One of the largest United Methodist churches in South Carolina is disassociating itself from the denomination over its ongoing debate concerning homosexuality. Christ United in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, has decided to leave the UMC ahead of the February 2019 meeting to determine how the denomination will move forward concerning issues of sexuality. Read More

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