
Saturday, November 03, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #23

My Heart Broke When I Saw This “Preaching”

Here’s the deal: I was caught in a vulnerable moment. I must have been bored because I was in a minister’s Facebook group that I rarely venture into because most of the posts are argumentative and depressing. I don’t know why I did it, but I clicked on a post that someone shared with the group. And that’s when my heart began to break.... Read More

Expository Preaching: Scripture and the Church

In this issue of Theology for Life Magazine, you will learn about expository preaching. We make no apologies for declaring that this is the most faithful way of preaching, and commend this model to our readers. It’s because we believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, authoritative, sufficient, and clear Word of God that we commend this approach to preaching to you, because it alone addresses the significant issues of the day—including biblical illiteracy and false teaching. Read Online or Download

A Preacher's Gut-Check: Seven Hard Questions About Your Sermon

After you have your three points, consulted all the commentaries and fit in your illustrations, then it's time to get real. Read More

Is The Bible The Seasoning Or The Steak In Your Sermon?

"I have a sermon; maybe you can help me find a Scripture so that I can preach it." Read More
Read more of the newest preaching articles on the Sermon Central website.

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