
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #24

Which Preacher Has The Loudest Voice?

Believe it or not, the individual who has the greatest access to many of our hearts, the one who preaches to us most frequently and aggressively, is not who we think. For many, it’s the Devil! Read More,
A thoughtful reminder that when we preach, we are engaging in spiritual warfare.
The Danger of Preaching Biblical Truth, yet Missing Christ

Satan does not mind expository preaching — as long as it misses the main point of God’s Word. In fact, Satan himself engages in a form of expository preaching and encourages that form of biblical exposition to be practiced as a means of his deception. Read More

Why You Should Remember You Preach to the Burdened

On any given Sunday, your church is filled with people who are hurting. They need hope and the good news of Jesus Christ. They things they struggle with are burdens you can help carry, and I hope this post serves as a reminder. Read More

Preaching For Deep Change: Are You Sharing Information Or Changing Lives?

Does your preaching give people everything they need to embrace change? Ed Stetzer offers practical suggestions for moving people forward. Read More

5 Common Preaching Mistakes Many Pastors Make

Many pastors make simple preaching mistakes that can be easily corrected. These common mistakes are often the difference between a memorable message and a forgettable one. Read More

7 Reasons Sermon Illustrations Matter

I’m a firm believer that the best preaching exposits the Word of God clearly. The Word of God changes lives, and it’s our responsibility to teach that Word well. Part of that work, in my judgment, is also to illustrate the Word as we expound it. Here’s why.... Read More

Behind The Sermon Lie The Notes--What Do Yours Look Like?

Manuscript, outline or notes: Every system has its strengths ... and weaknesses. Read More

Free Download: 2019 Preaching Calendar (Excel and Numbers)

One of the most valuable things we can do for our church staff and volunteers who are involved with service planning and creating small group content (especially if that content is sermon-based) is to create a preaching calendar. This not only helps them, but it helps us tremendously. Read More

Photo by Alexander Michi on Unsplash

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