
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #25

2 Tips for Thanksgiving Sermons

I don’t know about you, but I find preaching on Thanksgiving to be one of the most difficult preaching assignments of the year. I mean, other than saying “We ought to be thankful,” what is there to say? Read More

5 Myths about Preaching

Which is your kind of preaching—expository or relevant? That is an example of a false dichotomy—a logical fallacy. False dichotomies operate under the assumption that there is no alternative, including no way to combine the qualities entailed in the so-called opposites. Read More

6 Ways To Use PowerPoint (Yes, PowerPoint!) To Help Your Audience Become Better Listeners

The most powerful communication tool is not the image on the screen. It’s your ability to connect with the audience. Read More

The Hardest Part Of Ministry: Saying No

Saying "no" can help focus your ministry, your leadership and your preaching. Read More

Do You Apologize For Your Preaching?

It's the Holy Spirit's job to bring conviction, but do you try to soften the impact? Read More

Why Doesn't Every Congregation Respond The Same Way?

Peter Mead reveals eight powerful insights into how to gauge a congregation's responsiveness. Read More

Should You Swing For The Fences Every Sunday?

Why do we think every sermon has to be a home run? Read More

Change Your Ministry: Ten Books, Ten Months

The well-rounded preacher draws from multiple sources. How wide is your reading? Read More

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