
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: Church Revitalization Resourcing and More

Four Steps For Denominations to Resource Church Revitalization

Resourcing isn’t always monetary. Read More

Three Ways Churches Think They're Known in Their Communities

What is your church known for in the community? What are your members actually doing in the community and for the community? Read More

7 Keys to Growing Your Church's Midweek Services

With the rapid changes happening in church culture and church norms it should be no surprise that many midweek services can now be more appropriately labeled mid-weak services.... However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Midweek gatherings can still be a vibrant part of the life of your church if done well and tailored to fit your context. Here are seven things you can do to keep your midweek services from being mid-weak.... Read More
Take note of the niche that Brentwod Baptist in Nashville Tennessee found when it started a Tuesday night young adult service. We can create entry points for the church with a weeknight service for those who for various reasons may never come on a Sunday morning.
Make The Most Of Your Christmas Tree

While this wonderful holiday season is about a tree, it’s not about the beautiful tree in your living room that you’ve so carefully decorated. Read More

How to Write a Life Plan for the New Year

As we head into a new year, I want to help you think through life planning. I believe in purposeful living. Read More
This article is part 1 in a five-part article. If you scroll down to just after the last paragraph of the article, you will find links to parts 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the article.
10 Differences Between Baby Believers and Believers Who Are Babies

I suspect all churches have at least one of these persons. Baby believers are those young believers who are just now learning how to walk with Christ, but who are fresh in their faith. Believers who are babies, on the other hand, are usually longer-term believers (often undiscipled) who don’t act like mature believers. Here are some of the differences I see.... Read More

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