
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday's Catch: Trusting God and More

Trusting God When You’re Trapped in Uncertainty

We cannot avoid uncertainty in this life, but we can respond to it in a Christ-honoring and soul-profiting fashion. Read More

If You Preach Like Whitefield, Think Like Wesley

If you preach like Whitefield, consider thinking like Wesley. The more you think like Wesley, the more likely the ministry can spread and endure. What does it mean to think like Wesley? Read More

When Christian Practices Hurt Other People

Baptism, prayer, and Communion can all go “wayward,” says Lauren Winner. Should we blame the sinful practitioners or the practices themselves? Read More

Three Ways to Make the Most of Christmas in Your Student Ministry

The Christmas season provides us with a rich opportunity to foster a greater love for Christ and the lost within students. Yet it is so easy to miss it.... So regardless of how often your student ministry will meet this December, here are three ways to maximize the opportunity Christmas time provides us. Read More

What You Didn’t Know About Angels

I’ll never forget when I realized I didn’t believe in angels. It was 2006, and I was reading C. S. Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet for the first time. In the book, Edwin Ransom is taken to Malacandra (Mars), where he encounters intelligent beings called eldila, the chief of whom is the Oyarsa. Read More

Where Did Satan Come From?

The Bible’s account of the fall in the Garden of Eden raises a number of important questions. Chief among them usually goes something like this: Where does evil come from in a good world created by a good God? Read More

What Are the “High Places” in the Old Testament, and How Does That Apply to Us Today?

What are the "high places" in our lives? What does God command us to do? Read More

Six Problems When You Are Standing on the Sin Line

Let me get right to the point: sometimes we put ourselves directly on the “sin line”—that metaphorical line between obedience and disobedience—and then wonder why we so easily fall into sin. Here are some thoughts I hope will help you avoid the line.... Read More

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