
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "Sleep with Your Boots On" and More

Sleep with Your Boots On

Do you know that the devil is fully aware of your weaknesses? He knows your particular blind spots, your vulnerabilities. He knows which sins you struggle with the most. He knows what things irritate you, frustrate you, and distract you. He knows exactly what desire or longing is specific to your personality and wiring. And he is every day working the angles to exploit them and bring you down. Satan has a file on you, and he is working it every minute of every day to make sure you fall. Read More

How Loneliness Is Tearing America Apart

When people have a hole in their life, they often fill it with angry politics. Read More

Friendly, Caring, and Carrying Churches

Three steps to move into deeper church community. Read More

9 Common Myths Christians Believe At Christmas

Which of these nine common myths do you believe? Read More

Reading the Bible for the Ten Thousandth Time

By instinct we know that first-time readers of the Bible need guidance. But long-time readers need help too. In this article we’ll explore some of the ways to combat boredom and lethargy for experienced Bible readers. Read More

Should Worship Be Fun

More than once, I’ve heard Christians insist that worship should be fun, or act like they had a responsibility to prove that Christians knew how to “party” in church. I’ve always been uncomfortable with that connection, so I started thinking about the place of “fun” in worship, if one even exists. I’m going to address this question by answering it as I posed it, and then considering two other ways it might be phrased. Read More

It’s Not Our Job to “Finish” the Missionary Task

Is the completion of world evangelization in fact coterminous with the biblical missionary task. Read More

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