
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: The Trauma-Informed Church and More

How to Become a Trauma-Informed Congregation

These suggestions will help your church better care for survivors of abuse. Read More

Give Thanks for What Others Have That You Don’t

This Thanksgiving, praise God for other people’s blessings—even the ones you wish for. Read More

12 Tips for Navigating the Holidays While Hurting

Take a moment during this season of “good cheer” and consider people in your congregation or small group who may be in the wake of loss. Read More

Populism vs. Progressivism: Who Knows Best?

Opposing types of knowledge are at the heart of today’s polarization. How does a Christian decide? Read More

Penal Substitution and Gospel Proclamation

It is one thing to accept that a doctrine is true; it is quite another for it to shape the life and ministry of the church. The doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) is a controversial doctrine in some circles. But those of us who affirm that it is a truly biblical doctrine need to grapple carefully with how it should shape and inform our ministry. Read More

The “Softer” Side of Leadership May Be Stronger Than You Think

It’s true that no one wants to follow an insecure, indecisive, or ineffective leader. Qualities like confident, decisive and courageous are essential and needed. Great leaders can handle the tough circumstances that come their way. But tough-minded leaders must also be tender-hearted, or their leadership becomes cold and hard. Read More

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