
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Where Should Your Children Be During Worship?

If the goal is to see young people growing up into productive members of the kingdom, then we should get them integrated into the life and ministry of the church at an early age. How will they know the value of the public worship unless they are able to experience it themselves? How will they learn that God has promised to meet with His people in a special way in public worship, if we exclude them from it? How will we teach them that the power of worship is God’s working in us and not our activity if we act like we don’t think the Holy Spirit will minister to them in worship until they are 13 or even older? Read More
The segregation of children from adults on Sundays is a relatively recent phenomena. For most of the history of the Church children and adults worshiped together. As John Westerhoff pointed out in a number of books and articles in the last century, faith cannot be taught. It must be caught. Children catch faith from believing adults, not just children's workers and youth ministers but the whole Body of Christ.

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