
Thursday, November 01, 2018

Who Are the Religious Orphans? Three Things to Know

“For God love the world in the way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” –John 3:16 (CSB)

This renowned verse wasn’t first spoken to a far away tribe in an African jungle. It wasn’t saved for the pagan idolater of Athens. It was reserved for a ruling class Jewish man bound in a religion that claimed God as its own, but denied His power.

A man familiar with religious things, but unfamiliar with redeeming love.

A man near to God, but still too far away to experience a new life.

Nicodemus wasn’t an outlier. He represents most of the people we will ever meet. He possessed an awareness of God, grappled with his own religious heritage, and continued searching for answers.

He was, like most people in the world, a religious orphan—generally aware of God, respectful of God, but separated from Him. And rather than move on to someone with less baggage, Jesus cared about him, honored his coy efforts, gave him room to believe, and showed us how to love people just like him.

Here are some things to remember as non-religious people enter our neighborhoods, workplaces, and church buildings.... Read More

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