
Monday, December 10, 2018

4 Principles To Get (And Give) Better Feedback

If we want better feedback, we can’t just be open to it, we have to ask for it. Regularly and honestly.

If we want to become better leaders we need to have good feedback. And to get that feedback, we need to find and listen to better critics.

But getting helpful feedback has one significant challenge. There is an inverse correlation between the frequency of a person’s opinion and the value of that opinion.

The more a person wants to tell you what they think, the less valuable their feedback is likely to be.

This is true for both negative and positive feedback. It may be nice to hear “your sermons always seem to be just what I need!” or “I’m always inspired by your ideas!” But those opinions, while encouraging, offer no practical value.

At the same time, the person who is always quick to tell us what’s wrong is just as unlikely to help us get better. The opinions of the frequent complainer are more about them than about the subject at hand.

This is why, if we want truly valuable feedback, we have to go looking for it. Read More

Photo by Juri Gianfrancesco on Unsplash

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