
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 Effective Ways to Convince a Church Guest to Return

We’re all hardwired to receive love differently.

That’s the lesson we learned in 1995 when Gary Chapman released the book that gave an “aha moment” to all of American Christendom. Seriously, if you’ve never read The 5 Love Languages, go buy a copy. It’s that important.

Chapman explained that each of us speaks a native language when it comes to giving and receiving love. My language is “Words of Affirmation.” My wife’s language is “Acts of Service.” This explains all the times when she has likely thought, He says he loves me but why won’t he show it by doing the dishes once in a while?

Chapman’s book has shown staying power beyond the realm of romantic love. Our church is using the same principles in how we welcome guests. Read More
The application of the principles that Ryan Sanders describes in this article must become second nature to us, in other words, part of us. If we employ these principles as techniques to manipulate guests in returning, they will eventually see through us. Our hearts must be in our words and actions and our application of these principles, a true expression of our love for our fellow human beings.

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