
Friday, December 14, 2018

5 Reasons It's Important to Get Contact Information from Guests

I’ve previously written about ways that churches have greeted our “spies”/guests over the years. I’ve also written about surprising things that church members said to guests. Both posts included some unfortunate (even embarrassing) reminders that church folks aren’t always as sensitive as we need to be with guests. Others have written about the best ways to connect with guests or secrets to getting guests to fill out information cards.

That said – and fully recognizing that nobody wants to be embarrassed as a guest – I still think it’s important to work to secure contact information from guests. Here’s why.... Read More

Related Articles:
12 Ways Churches "Welcome Guests"
10 Surprising Things Church Members Said to Guests
My experience has been that Anglicans and Episcopalians do a lousy job of obtaining contact information--typically a guest register in the narthex, which goes unnoticed by most visitors. Those visitors who do sign the guest register leave little useful information. 

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