
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #30

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make

Knowing an author’s larger vision of reality will guide the preacher in handling particular texts in ways that are not contrary to the author’s intention. Read More

Can You Defend The Faith Without Ranting?

Excellent advice from Joe McKeever: "Stand firm, preach the word, rebuke error, and be nice about it." Read More

How to Write a Sermon (Based on 38 Years of Preaching and 2,000+ Sermons)

I don’t claim to be any sort of expert on preaching, but I have written quite a few sermons over the years (probably somewhere around 2,000). Here are a few things I have learned in the past 38 years of preaching and writing sermons in our church and other settings. Read More

Four Sharp Questions To Whittle Your Sermon Into Shape

he sermon's not done until you sharpen the point. Here are four excellent ways to do it. Read More

3 Ways to Stretch Your Preaching Next Year

How can we improve? how can we stretch ourselves? Read More

Your Preaching Can Help Your Congregation Embrace (Biblical) Change

The Scriptures command us to do more than repeat what's already been done, and to look for God to do what He's never done before. Read More

3 Ways to Make 2019 Your Best Preaching Year

I believe in the 5 P’s of preaching: proper preparation prevents poor preaching. Better preaching begins with better preparation. Read More

Three Foundational Passages For Growing Disciples Of Jesus

Try to imagine talking about your subject every single day for two years. If the idea still thrills you, you've found your topic." Read More

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