
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #31

Preaching & Culture: What Is Biblical Preaching?

While the core of scriptural truth remains the same from culture to culture, the outworking of those truths is much more fluid. Read More

Must a Preacher Preach the Gospel in Every Sermon? [Video]

As preachers, we must proclaim the gospel in every sermon. But that doesn’t mean our sermons from Galatians should sound exactly like our sermons from Genesis. Watch Now

The Art of the Sermon Introduction

There are lots of ways to introduce a sermon. Here are a few common approaches.... Read More

2 Things Pastors Can Learn from Spurgeon’s Preaching 

 We need to preach to people where they’re at, but always with the context of the whole counsel of God in how we do so. Read More

The Response of Preaching: Why the Invitation Matters

Oddly, some preachers today avoid extending Gospel invitations when they preach. That seems so unbiblical and strange. Read More

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