
Monday, December 31, 2018

Read the Bible More This Year: Four Great Motivations from God

Several years ago, a friend told me he was struggling to read the Bible. He knew he should read the Bible, but he had no desire to. He’d rather read the news, check sports scores, or look up stock prices. So, what could he do?

Many think the solution lies in trying harder, committing to a certain time every day, or asking for accountability. These can help, but by themselves, they miss the main way God wants to motivate us. James 2:17 says that “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” So whenever I lack good works, like Bible reading, my problem is not mostly laziness or lack of discipline. My problem is a lack of faith. I am not trusting what God has promised about his word.

So, I gave my friend a list of what God promises to do for us through the Scriptures. I encouraged him to pray over these promises for a few minutes each day, asking God to use these promises to strengthen his faith and change his heart. He said he would.

A few weeks later, I asked how it was going. “Unbelievable,” he said. He told me that by meditating on these promises he now wanted to read God’s word, he looked forward to reading God’s word, and he was carving out extra time to read God’s word. That’s what God did for my friend. And that’s what God will do for us, if we learn, remember, and trust what he has promised. Read More

Also See:
Routine Bible Reading Can Change Your Life

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