
Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: God's Vision for Your Community and More

How to Discover God’s Vision for Your Community

There are three questions must be answered in order to discover God’s unique assignment for your ministry. Read More

What We Long for the Church to Know about Sexual Violence

Abuse can skew more than just a survivor's relationship with the church. Read More

Why Modern Christians Need an Ancient Creed

We need regular reminders of how old, unchangeable truth influences our real lives. Read More

Primary Factors That Led to a Pastor's Call to Ministry

A call to ministry is intensely personal, but for many pastors the call shares a few common themes. Listen Now

5 Reasons Church Is Much More Complex To Lead

You’ve noticed, haven’t you? Leading a local church is more complex than ever. It’s still the most rewarding and greatest purpose I can imagine, but the challenges are not for the faint of heart. Read More

Routine Bible Reading Can Change Your Life

Why do so many Christians start with a strong commitment and yet lose their way when reading the Bible? Read More

Overcoming Fear in Evangelism

In evangelism, God has given us the message we need to share with unbelievers. The whole Bible tells the story of creation, mankind’s fall into sin, and the provision of a Savior through Jesus Christ. But the Scriptures do not only give the words necessary for unbelievers to know the content of the gospel. The Bible also gives the words necessary to encourage Christians to evangelize, especially when it comes to overcoming fears. Read More

The Culture Wars Are Ancient History

Today’s fights over the religion in the public square are replays of fights from two thousand years ago. Read More

Quarter of Churchgoers Don't Take Day of Rest

According to Genesis, God created everything in six days before resting on the seventh. But around a quarter of churchgoers say they don’t follow His example. Read More

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