
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: Single Issue Christians and More

Beware of Making Anything But the Gospel Your ‘Main Thing’

The gospel must impact how we view everything and there are issues that will be extremely important, but those issues cannot handle the weight of being the single thing or the main thing in a church. Read More

Technology, Politics, and Evangelicalism’s Good News

Power, wealth, and political influence may not be the prize that the world needs to experience. In fact, it may be the problem. Read More

We are On the Same Team

Churches should compete together, not against one another. Read More

Don’t Just Build A Ministry Platform, Build A Team That Can Support It

This may be the biggest reason great ideas die too soon. We’re creating buzz, but we’re not building substance. Read More

Seven Traits of Toxic Leaders [Video]

In this Rainer Report Thom Rainer examines the seven traits of toxic leaders who prevent great things from happening a church. Watch Now

25 Questions for a Prospective New Pastor to Ask a Church

In my experience the process of hiring (or calling) a pastor is long enough there are plenty of opportunities to ask questions. I decided to list some of my favorites, and I’ve changed and tweaked these over the years – adding questions I wish I had known to ask. Read More
Church leaders may also find these questions useful in evaluating their church.
Want to Give a Book for Christmas? Here’s My Top Ten List for Books on the Authority of Scripture

‘Tis the season. . . to give books. I think solid Christian books are a great gift, and books on the authority of Scripture are always relevant in our world today. Read More

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