
Monday, January 07, 2019

5 Tools Every Rural Church Needs

Recently, I had a conversation with a pastor from out-of-state at a conference. He told me he was from a small town in the Southwest. “How small?” I asked, as I am always curious about small towns.

“Oh, very small,” he assured me. “Only fifteen thousand people or so.”

Depending on your background, you might think that is a small town, too. Or maybe you know some places to take that brother to show him what a small town really is. His town has more people than the whole county where I pastor. Similarly, my town of 3,500 is the "big city" compared to the towns of 1,000, 600, or 300 around us. Pastoring in rural communities has it own set of challenges and difficulties, as well as it’s own pleasures and privileges. Pastoring is a challenge no matter the size of the community, but having the right set of tools can make the job a little easier.

It’s possible to drive a nail with a rock, but it sure is easier with a hammer. It’s possible to pastor a rural church without these tools, but your life will be much easier if you keep these resources close at hand. Read More

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