
Thursday, January 10, 2019

9 Reasons a Church Choir Is Important

I like a choir, and I think a church without one might be missing something. I am not arguing here that every church should have a choir (I, in fact, attend a young church that does not have one), but I do think a choir is worth considering. Here’s why.... Read More

Also See:
The State of the Choir
The Case for a Choir, Pt. 1
I originally posted these articles last March. Over the years I have sung in three different choirs and I appreciate their value in undergirding the congregational singing. A book that has greatly influenced my understanding of the choir is Betty Pulkingham’s Sing God a Simple Song: Exploring Music in Worship for the Eighties. It is available in PDF format on the Community of Celebration website.
Photo by David Beck on Unsplash 

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