
Friday, January 18, 2019

Eight Attitude Adjustments for Church Life

I like using the terms faithfulness and fruitfulness to describe the progress congregations are to make. It allows leaders to focus on disciple-making as the primary work rather than events designed to simply assemble crowds.

Recently, my mind returned to the well-known statement by leadership expert Peter Drucker:
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
As a church leader in the modern days of the West, temptations abound to read the insightful book, attend the impactful conference, or dream up the innovative plan that will leverage growth in a congregation. But before you initiate the next version of the old 2020 Long-Term Vision Strategy Looking Forward to Tomorrow Plan… allow me to offer up a suggestion. The culture of your church may need help. Whether it is growth, development, or a complete overhaul, make sure that the people are ready in heart and motivation for the movement that a new strategy will bring. Here are 8 attitude adjustments that may help your local church life. Read More

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