
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Church Revitalization in the Bible Belt and More

The Unique Challenges of Revitalization in the Bible Belt [Podcast]

The Bible Belt isn’t as unique as it once was in American culture. But revitalizing churches in the area often still requires some unique considerations. Listen Now

Why Church Planters Must Be Able to Teach [Podcast]

Anyone who aspires to plant a church must be able to teach the Word of God. Listen Now

6 Physical Factors That Can Impact Your Worship Service

This week, walk around your church campus and try to see it through the eyes of a first-time guest. Here are some environmental factors to pay close attention to.... Read More

6 Needed Shifts for Reaching the Next Generation

G’Joe Joseph identifies 6 shifts we need to make to minister to to an audience completely unprepared to hear the gospel. Read More

Few Churched Teenagers Become Devout Young Adults

Most young adults who attended church as a teenager say they believe in God today, but fewer consider themselves devout Christians. And as a whole, they have conflicting recollections about the churches they attended in high school. Read More

Pew: Sunday Regulars Are Happier and Healthier

Across 25 countries, active religious participation is linked with habits like nonsmoking, community involvement, and voting. Read More

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