
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday's Catch: "Discipling Gen Z College Students" and More

Discipling Gen Z College Students: 3 Challenges and 3 Opportunities

Generation Z has taken over college campuses across the country. While social psychologists and authors write books analyzing this generation, college and campus ministries have been on the front lines, seeking to contextualize the gospel to this fresh generation of college students.Read More

The Gospel Does Not ‘Float Downstream’ from Big Cities

Small towns and rural areas across the world need churches; they won’t be reached with the gospel by default. And many such places in the United States are growing increasingly secular—churches are dying faster than new ones are being planted. Read More

How to Respond When the Members Don’t Want to Engage The Community [Podcast]

Community involvement is central to church revitalization. It’s the best way for your church to increase its evangelistic focus and move outwardly. Listen Now

Free Apps and Websites Any Church Can Use To Organize, Promote And Do More Creative Ministry

If your church is small and your budget is non-existent, new technology may seem out of reach. But it’s not. Read More

How to Achieve Great Sound in a Small Church

Achieving great sound in a small church is impossible, right? The truth is, you can achieve great sound at a small church – and it may not be as hard as you think. Read More

5 Tips For Campus Ministry

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a youth pastor say that they can’t get on school campuses I would be rich! We all know the public school system is not a welcoming place for religion and it is only getting worse. But most of us also know that the schools are the best place to reach students because that is where they all are. So, how do we get on campuses? Read More
Don’t skip the next post. It contains helpful ideas for retaining students.
New Study: Teens Drop Out of Church for Seemingly Insignificant Reasons

The main reasons why young people changed their churchgoing habits had nothing to do with a crisis of faith or seriously disagreeing with core church beliefs. Read More

Asia Rising: The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Follow Jesus

China’s church raids drew headlines, but 26 countries—including India—treated Christians worse in 2018. Researchers calculate that 1 in 3 Asian Christians now experience high levels of persecution for their faith. Read More
Also see this post, “Christian Persecution Is Intensifying.”

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