
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Generation Alpha and More

Meet Generation…Alpha

What do you make of a generation of young children who don’t want a puppy? They want an iPad instead. Welcome to Generation Alpha, “the tech-savvy young children of Millennials whose rising influence could soon make Gen Z an afterthought.” Read More

7 Ways to Make Sure New People Never Come Back to Your Bible Study

If you want to make sure that new members never come back, lead your group to do these things below. Your new members will vote with their feet, for sure. Read More

5 Ways You Can Easily Partner with A Local Public School

Public Schools are a massive missions’ field that, though closed off in some big ways, still have many open doors for ministry. Read More

Emotions Make Terrible Gods: Taking Control of Our Feelings

Does God expect us to train our feelings? It appears that he does. He commands them. Read More

What Makes a Good Accountability Partner?

What makes a good accountability partner? And, how can we be helpful to our brothers and sisters? Here are some important traits. Read More

Don’t Ignore the “Speed Limit”: How the Sufficiency of Scripture Should Make Us Patient

Unbelievers see things more clearly than we think. They sniff out our attempts to market Jesus. They see through our sales pitches. They’re far more serious about their worldview than we give them credit for. And I think our ignorance of this fact offends them even more than the content of our worldview. Read More

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