
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday's Catch: The Multi-Site/Satellite Church Planting Model and More

Finding the Right Church Planting Model Part 6: The Multi-Site/Satellite Model

I’ve been in favor of starting new sites, but have separated that from church planting. I still do, theologically, but I think that practically these approaches have much in common, particularly the Large Launch and Multi-Site, that we should include them in the list of models. Read More

5 Myth-Shattering Reasons We Have To Change Our Thinking About Church Size

History has regularly shown us that any time we equate bigger with better in the kingdom of God, it leads to problems. Big problems. Read More

Six Creative Ways to Deal with a Deteriorating Facility

Churches in need of revitalization often need facility help, too. Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss ways to improve your facility without too much expense. Listen Now

7 Reasons to “Assign” Seating at a Fellowship Meal

I know some readers will balk at this idea. It’s different than the way most churches think, and it’s certainly different from the way “we’ve always done things.” Nevertheless, my suggestion is this: for at least one church fellowship meal each year, assign seats. Tell members where they need to sit. Here’s why I think this approach matters. Read More
Assigned seating also keeps members from forming their usual “holy huddles” and excluding newcomers and guests.

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