
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: First Impressions and More

7 Reasons First Impressions Matter

You’ve heard it said (and I’ve written it on this site) that people often give a church one shot to make an impression. We may not like that fact, but it’s reality. Here’s why....Read More

Six Symptoms of a Dysfunctional Church [Video]

In this Rainer ReportThom Rainer examines six symptoms of a dysfunctional church. Watch Now

10 Distractions Regarding Worship Music

Chuck Lawless posts the findings of his church consulting teams in regards to the musical element of worship over a period of 15 years. Read More
This is a repost but in my estimation it is worth reading more than once.
We Don’t Sing for Fun

Singing is serious business! It is as serious as preaching and prayer and communion. Read More
A definite must read
5 Ways Your Church Can Leverage YouTube

Eric Geiger suggsts five ways that churches can best reach those who use the video service YouTube with both the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as with information about their local church. Read More
A professionally-produced and edited video of your church's worship can give visitors to your church's website a taste of worship at your church. Panning a video camera across the chancel or platform and the congregation during a worship service and posting the video on your church's website, however, will not produce a favorable impression. I have seen both on YouTube. My reaction to the first was, "Wow! I'd like to visit that church!" My reaction to the second was, "Blch! I think I'm going to throw up!"
How to Make a Greater Impact on Culture

Why aren’t Christians making a greater impact in the culture? In my opinion it’s our actions (or lack thereof.) People don’t listen to what you say as much as what you do, and in that category Christians are failing miserably. The truth is, to change today’s culture we don’t need more legislation, boycotts, criticism, outrage or even evangelism campaigns—we just need to change the way we live. To that end, if Christians would start doing these 10 things, I believe there would be no limit to the impact we could have on the world.... Read More

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