
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How to Be More Public with Your Faith

It’s no surprise every poll and study shows the same thing: Over the past two decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of Americans who say they are atheists, agnostics, religiously unaffiliated, or believe “nothing in particular.” Each generation—from Gen X to Millennials to “Gen Z”—is significantly less religious and less churchgoing than the generation before.

This should mean Christians talk more to their neighbors, colleagues, and friends about the reasons they believe, but that isn’t happening. A recent study commissioned by Lutheran Hour Ministries found that since 1993 the number of Christians who said “I believe every Christian has a responsibility to share their faith,” and the number who said they’d speak to others about the benefits of becoming a Christian, has dropped precipitously (see Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age, Barna Report, 2018). So at a moment when there is more need for evangelism—sharing the good news about Jesus—there is less willingness to do it. Read More

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