
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #39

6 Questions That Will Help Your Next Sermon Reach Everyone

If we hope to lead everyone in the room to the truth of our message, we must start by connecting everyone in the room to us and our message. That’s not a simple task. Read More

Preaching: What Do We Need To Do To Progress In Our Preaching?

John Stevens offers two suggestions for improving our preaching. Read More

The Final Piece Of Sermon Prep: What To Cut, What To Add

Rookie preachers wonder how they will fill the time. Experienced preachers know the real challenge is in what to leave out. Read More

11 Vital Preaching And Pastoring Lessons I Learned From My Mentor

Sometimes leadership lessons are caught as much as they are taught. Read More

What To Do With Feedback From Sunday's Sermon—10 Lifelines

Not all feedback is created equal. How you handle it can shape your preaching. Read More

Does It Matter How the Preacher Dresses?

I posted a paragraph on Facebook calling for pastors to dress “to inspire confidence”—and not look like they’d been out hitchhiking all night. It’s important to note that I did not say he should wear the uniform of the previous generation—a coat and tie—but merely to “dress one step in front of most of the men in the church,” whatever that means. Twenty-four hours later, we had 245 comments. Clearly, people have strong feelings about this. Read More
What a minister wore in church was at one time not an issue in the Anglican Church. He wore vestments. However, in a number of provinces and dioceses ministers are now wearing street clothes in church.

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