
Saturday, February 02, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Bad Weather Church Cancellation and More

When to Cancel Church for Bad Weather?

Winter Storm Harper forced some churches to cancel services from the Midwest to the Northeast in the U.S. last week. Church leaders kept an eye on the storm and faced sometimes gut wrenching decisions whether to cancel services or not. Read More

Five Strategies for Being a More Approachable Pastor on Sunday Morning

Approachability is only one facet of leadership, but it’s an important part of being a pastor. Your weekend worship experiences are a concentrated time, meaning you have the most people on campus for a short duration. It’s your chance to interact with your congregation and for others to see you interacting. Not everyone will talk to you, but many will see you talking and assume you can be approached. Read More

Be Fruitful: Challenging Yourself to Abide in Order to Bear More Fruit

The message of the love and forgiveness of God and his desire that all might find the fulfillment they are looking for in him is too important to neglect. Read More

Do You Listen Enough When You Evangelize?

Evangelism always involves proclaiming the gospel, but before our mouths open, there are some things God can do—often working through us—to help prepare the soil of a person’s heart—to soften it, break up the stones, make it ready. If we are to be good communicators of the gospel, we must incorporate three practices into our interactions with people. Read More

4 Common Evangelism Mistakes and Why They Shouldn’t Stop You

I have spent the majority of my ministry teaching Christians how to be more evangelistic. In this post, I want to highlight 4 mistakes most Christians make in evangelism and why we need to stop making them. Read More

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