
Saturday, February 09, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Questionable Church-Planting Practices and More

Three Church-Planting Practices That Need To Die

We must always ask ourselves: What difference does my church plant make in this community and in the world?

It’s a significant question that will take lots of prayer and a good plan. As you consider this, let me share three church-planting practices that need to die if we are to begin and sustain church plants that glorify God and keep us on mission with Him. Read More

Infanticide Becomes Justifiable

Infanticide was once “unthinkable.” But over the last few decades, some of the world’s foremost bioethicists have considered baby killing worthy of respectable debate. Read More

Ageism: The Real Struggle for Church Staff Close to Retirement

When considering ageism, the church may be one of the worst offenders among organizations in our culture. It’s strange given the “respect your elders” mentality in many congregations. When cutting church staff, I’ve heard of cases in which people were pushed out because of their age. Additionally, when hiring, many churches are overt in their search for ministry candidates. “We want someone young!” Read More

A Practical Plan for Growing in Bible Literacy

As Western culture continues the process of secularization, Christians continually lament the decline of Biblical literacy inside and outside of the Church. Several surveys show that American and evangelical believers lack basic biblical literacy skills. A LifeWay study showed that only 11% of Americans have ever read the entire Bible and only 9% have done so more than once. A Ligonier survey showed that most evangelicals deny original sin and affirm doctrines dangerously close to pluralism and Arianism. An inability to understand the Bible, God’s inerrant Word and the most influential book in world history, obviously hurts the Church, but it also hurts the general culture. Read More

10 Things Every New Believer Should Know

I have been a Christian for over 25 years, and God has had to redirect me on multiple things because of what I mistakenly believed early on about being a Christian. And it is better to learn sooner than later. Read More

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