
Monday, February 25, 2019

The Main Way We're Failing Small Churches (And How To Start Succeeding With Them)

Pastoring a small church is not a penalty for doing something wrong. It's a specialty – and it's worth doing well.

Small congregations are the backbone of the church.

Over 90 percent of churches are under 200 people. As many as half of all Christians attend a small congregation.

But if you take a look at the dominant teaching about church leadership, you might think that all those churches are broken, and all those fellow believers are doing something wrong.


Because we're constantly making one big mistake when teaching them about church health and effectiveness. And by making that mistake, we're failing them.

Here's our mistake:

We're not helping small churches be strong, healthy and effective at the size they are now. Instead, we're giving them the impression that they need to get bigger first. Read More

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