
Friday, February 22, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Campus Churches and More

Engaging the Next Generation: The Future of College Ministry

When it comes to making an impact on the next generation, college campuses are one of the best places to start. Read More

United Methodists’ LGBT Vote Will Reshape the Denomination

Pulled right and left by various factions of the global church, the UMC’s decision-making body meets this weekend to pick a path forward. Read More
Is another denominational split in the offing? The LGBT issue is proving the most divisive issue of the last 50 years.
Is the Church a Cage?

Christians today are not merely struggling with the question of whether gay sex is legitimate or not, or even of what role sexuality plays in the notion of personhood. At a deeper level, they are grappling with the question of exactly what the church’s purpose is. Read More

Toward a Trinitarian Ecclesiology

One might even argue that we cannot formulate a proper ecclesiology without reference to the doctrine of the Triune God. For the purpose of this article, I will utilize three of the primary New Testament metaphors for the church, namely, the people of God, the body of Jesus Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, to build a framework for a Trinitarian ecclesiology. Perhaps a more comprehensive understanding of how the doctrine of the Trinity informs our ecclesiology might nourish a more holistic understanding in at least two particular areas, namely, the unity and mission of the church. Read More

Calvinist Pastors and Non-Calvinist Churches: Candidating, Pastoring, and Moving On

In what follows, I want to share a few things that might be helpful for you—Calvinist pastor—if the Lord leads you to a church that doesn’t celebrate the doctrines of grace. At the same time, for any non-Calvinist listening in on the conversation, I pray the reflections given here might spur us all toward love and good deeds, greater understanding and commitment, love for God, and love for one another. Read More
This post may prove a helpful one for any pastor whose theological outlook differs from that of his predecessors.
5 Things Every Christian Should be Doing with God’s Word

Psalm 119 is an amazing Psalm. Not only is it the longest Psalm (176 verses!), but it is also the Psalm that deals the most directly with the topic of Scripture. Virtually every verse, in one way or another, refers to God’s Word … And in it, we find David interacting with the Word of God in five ways that should be paradigmatic for all believers…. Read More

10 Reasons Your Church Should Sing Psalms

When we think of the Psalms, most of us think solely of reading them. But we should also sing them, particularly in the gathering of the church. Indeed, for 3,000 years the Psalter has been the songbook of God’s people. Read More
When you talk about singing the psalms, you are likely to conjure up in the minds of North American Anglicans an image of a men and boy’s choir singing the psalms to Anglican chant at the service of Evensong at a cathedral. However, a congregation that has the right acoustical environment and strong musical leadership can sing the psalms to plainchant, which for a congregation is much easier than Anglican chant. The Anglican Church also has a long history of singing metrical versions of the psalms. A number of the hymns in Anglican hymnals are metrical psalms. A number of the worship songs that were written in the past 50 years are based upon psalms. A congregation does not have to settle for the monotonous, uninspiring practice of reciting the psalms responsively. If a congregation must recite the psalms, the best method is to recite them is antiphonally—from side to side.
70 Vacation Bible School Ideas to Make Your VBS the Best Ever

VBS! It’s never too early to start thinking about your Vacation Bible School ministries, programs, and outreaches! We know how much love, work, and energy you pour into the lives of your kids, so we want to share dozens and dozens of great ideas your children’s ministry can use this summer — including games, ways to support volunteers, strategy, and general ways to save your sanity! Read More
VBS is still an effective means of community outreach. In some communities VBS may be the only form of organized recreation available to children during the summer and families who do not normally attend a church are often willing enroll the children in a church’s VBS. The kids have fun and are exposed to the gospel. They also learn that being a Christian can be fun. A good rule to follow is to have no sourpusses working directly with the kids.

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